Alzheimers Safety
Is Your Home Safe?

Alzheimers safety is a concern for everyone who lives with someone with this disease. Keeping your family member safe can be very challenging and your challenges will change as the disease progresses.

The safer you make your environment the less stressful your life will be.

There are so many different areas to worry about with Alzheimers safety.I will cover many of the safety issues most family members are concerned about. It is not difficult to create a safe environment in your home. It just takes a little time and guidance.

Driving safety is usually a concern in the early stage before the disease is diagnosed. Family members begin to question the wrong turns and wonder if there is a memory problem. Determining if someone is safe to drive is difficult for family members and often the family doctor will help with this responsibility.

Alzheimers Safety Keeping Them From Harm

Home safety covers every room in the house. The home safety checklist will help you go through each room and remove any areas of danger. The kitchen and the bathroom are the areas where most accidents occur. Many of these accidents are preventable with a few changes.

Keeping a family member with Alzheimer's disease safe who is in the wandering stage can be quite trying. Especially if your family member is one who keeps trying to go outside. The world outside the home can be a very dangerous place for someone with this disease. There are ways to distract them and deter them from trying to get outside.

Often family members don't understand the extent of the disease. Your loved one may be able to carry on a conversation with you, but that does not mean they are able to process thoughts correctly. I have seen family members get angry because they expect more than the person with the illness is able to do. They don't mean to wander off. Often they will forget they are retires and try to leave the house to go to work. I have had 90 year old women think they needed to get ready for school

Another area of safety concerns with Alzheimer's patients, would be that of falls. As the disease progresses their sense of balance may worsen causing an unsteady gait. A fall can lead to many complications and great care should be taken to prevent them. There are many techniques nurses use to prevent falls.

Alzheimers Safety Home Page Alzheimers Driving Safety Alzheimers Kitchen Safety Alzheimers Bathroom Safety Alzheimers Fall Safety Alzheimers Wandering Safety Alzheimers Home Safety Checklist

Do you know what stage of Alzheimer's Disease your loved one is in?

Do you know what to watch for next?

Do you have sitters coming in and need to have a better system to help them provide the best care?

Does your loved one have behaviors that you should be tracking?

Do you have all of the information written down you need when you go to your doctor visits to help them understand what needs you may have?

Do you need help keeping track of appointments, medicines, vital signs, weights, meals, bowels, and behaviors?

Caregivers Notebook

Dementia - it's more than just memory loss. Are you prepared for what's next?

The ALZLOG App was created to help you recognize what stage your loved one is in and prepare for what is coming next for your loved one.

Come check out my YouTube channel for helpful tips and support on caring for loved ones with dementia. Let's navigate this journey together!

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